Superfecta of Health

This is a Superfecta of Health. brān®, plôs THERMO, uüth, zlēm,® & byōm™ are all products that can help with your health.

First is brān®, pronounced Brain. This product will help you with Mental Clarity. Your brain is the control center of your body. When you have better mental clarity your body just seems to work better, responds better, and cleans itself internally better. When we have mental clarity we function better, respond better, and communicate better.

brān® will put you in a better mood, improve focus and alertness, and will improve positive thinking.

We have 5 flavors that I think you will enjoy. Select one to read More.

Caramel MacchiatoLemon DropChocolate Sea SaltChocolate MintPumpkin Spice



Next, we have plôs THERMO. plôs THERMO is an additive that you can add to your coffee, tea, OJ, or soft drink. This is a weight loss additive. The secret is that you don’t have to change your brand of coffee or tea or anything else. This additive may help with weight loss control, contributes to a healthy metabolism, may help with appetite control, and many others. Click on the Pic to read more–>



We have uüth, pronounced Youth. uüth is a time reverser. Promotes youthful skin, nails, and hair. Reduces fine lines in your skin, boosts nitric oxide and improves muscle tone. An improved collagen additive that helps with being more youthful.

<—-Click on the pic to read more.



Next we have zlēm®. zlēm® is a two-stage sleep additive, that helps you sleep, and I am talking deep sleep. Sleep is not something that we often think about, however, a night of deep sleep is what you really need to get to feel better in your life. This product will also help in losing weight. Click on the pic to read more ——>


Last but not least is byōm™. byōm™ is a Gut Health product that adds good probiotics and gets rid of bad bacteria. Having good gut health also helps with other items such as Oral Health, Skin Health, Lung, Mental and Stomach Health.

<—Click on the picture to learn more

And now we have EMF Protection. Electro Magnetic Frequencies are all around us. With Cell Phones, Televisions, Microwave Ovens, and even Powerlines, there is a lot around us. Learn how to protect yourself with these little devices designed to block those frequencies. Click on pic to learn more. ——–>

Add all of these together and you have the Superfecta of Health. Each one of these products will add verm and vigor to your health.

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