PGN Performance Giving Network

Welcome to the Performance Giving Network (PGN for short). We are a Huge Global force of Entrepreneurs looking to make the World an Amazing Place for all.

There are fully 2.5 Billion people in the world that do not have access to a Banking Network, therefore there is no secure way to save money for their future. There is also no way for them to secure a loan to build a home or to dig a well for clean water.

2.2 Billion of those underserved Adults live in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East. Unserved, however, doesn’t mean unservable.

Approximately 1.2 billion adults in Asia Africa, and also the Middle East who use formal or semiformal credit or savings products, about 800 million live on less than $5 a day.

Performance Giving Network PGN - Map of Countries that have no banking services

80% of the African Continent does not have a way to save money securely.

The unbanked are not unservable Serving adults who live on less than $5 a day is not only possible at scale—to a large degree, it is already happening

It all starts with making the platforms, the network to permit for unimaginable incredible things.

Taking the issues of the World:

  • Unbanked Citizens of the World. Imagine not having the abioity to use or utilize banking services and what they allow you to do.
  • No means for Communities to create, fund, and create Economic Stimulus.
  • No way for the Poverty Stricken Cultures to catch up let gain from the ever-changing digital World around us.

We take and solve that for the World. Providing resources to administer the access to banking, ways of making income, and therefore raising them from poverty. And without borders or limits through education and leadership.

Wealth Re-Distribution!

Creating an economic solution for the whole World to Participate in. This is a massive movement. And there are already thousands and thousands that have joined in.

We have an entire support team leading the expansion, training, and deployment of this into reality.

To End Impoverishment and Increase the Quality of Life for all we touch.

We do this through an incredible process.

The Income Methods within the PGN:

See the many ways we are creating economic solutions with PGN. These represent ways in which create income streams to provide for a better way of life. These are methods to actually allow Poverty to be wiped off the Globe.

It all starts with giving the whole world access to a true Global Banking Solution. This is where the TippingCircle comes in. START HERE! Get set up.

Paid to Chat: Literally the worlds’ most secure chat program. And it pays you to use it.

Paid to Game: The most incredible games played online, and with the reward of income for playing.

Paid to Watch TV! Our Premium and Paid TV program are beyond the best thing ever. We are taking Premium Television Programming and our Educational programming around the Globe.